
Embrace Ayurveda For A Balanced Life

Blissful Living 4 U - Wellness, Wisdom, and Wealth - Learn to Dream Big

Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into your diet is a journey toward holistic wellness, wisdom, and wealth. By understanding your unique dosha and aligning your eating habits with the rhythms of nature, you can create a life filled with vitality, clarity, and prosperity. 

Mindset and Meditation: Cultivating Inner Peace and Prosperity

In the pursuit of wellness, wisdom, and wealth, the state of your mind is paramount. Ayurveda teaches us that our mental state directly influences our physical health and overall prosperity. By cultivating a balanced mindset through practices like meditation, you can harness your inner power and create a life of abundance. Let’s explore how Ayurveda guides us to nurture our minds for success and prosperity.

Ayurvedic Practices for a Balanced Mindset

Ayurveda emphasizes the connection between mind, body, and spirit. To achieve a balanced mindset, it suggests incorporating the following practices into your daily routine:

  • Yoga: Practicing yoga helps calm the mind, improve focus, and release tension from the body.
  • Meditation: Regular meditation enhances mental clarity, reduces stress, and promotes emotional well-being.
  • Pranayama: Breathwork techniques like pranayama help balance the doshas, increase vitality, and calm the mind.
Blissful Living 4 U - Wellness, Wisdom, and Wealth - Learn to Dream Big

Meditation Techniques for Each Dosha

Different doshas benefit from specific meditation practices. Tailoring your meditation to your dosha can enhance its effectiveness:

  • Vata: Vatas benefit from grounding meditations that focus on stability and security. Visualizations of a calm, serene place can help.
  • Pitta: Pittas benefit from cooling and calming meditations. Focus on the breath or visualize a cool, soothing environment.
  • Kapha: Kaphas benefit from stimulating and invigorating meditations. Dynamic breathing techniques or chanting can be beneficial.

Enhancing Mental Clarity and Focus

Ayurveda offers several strategies to improve mental clarity and focus:

  • Healthy Diet: Eating a balanced diet according to your dosha helps maintain brain health and clarity.
  • Herbs and Supplements: Certain herbs like brahmi and ashwagandha can improve memory and cognitive function.
  • Daily Routine: Following a consistent daily routine can help reduce mental clutter and improve focus.

The Power of Mindset in Prosperity

Your mindset plays a crucial role in attracting prosperity and success. By cultivating a positive and abundance-focused mindset, you can manifest wealth and opportunities into your life. Ayurveda teaches us that a balanced mindset is key to creating a life of abundance and fulfillment.

Blissful Living 4 U - Wellness, Wisdom, and Wealth - Learn to Dream Big

Cultivate Inner Peace and Prosperity with Ayurveda

Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into your mindset and meditation practices can lead to profound transformations in your life. By nurturing your mind, you can unlock your true potential and manifest your dreams into reality.

Begin your journey to a balanced mindset today. Incorporate a daily meditation practice into your routine and observe the positive changes it brings to your life. Start with just a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable. Remember, consistency is key to reaping the benefits of meditation.

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Power Up Your Smoothie!

There’s a lot to love when it comes to delicious, healthy, healing and filling smoothies, especially when you are trying to lose weight. Smoothies can be used as a fabulous start to the day or a healthy snack or meal during the day. They’re fun to make and a tasty way to get more protein, fruits, and vegetables into your diet.

I have specific recipes for my clients depending on what they’re wellness goals are.  I would love to share with you some tips for making smoothies that I share with them when it comes to making smoothies.  Smoothies can be made with juice, water, yogurt, almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk or any of the other milk alternatives, they can contain veggies, fruit, supplements, herbs and spices. I suggest combining 1 cup of fruit or vegetables with 1 cup of liquid and two to three ice cubes. Adding a teaspoon of a spice like cinnamon or ground ginger can add an exotic taste plus a boost of phytochemicals.

Any fruit or vegetable can be mixed together, some are better than others when it comes to taste and nutrition. Here are some of the suggestions that I have.

  • Avocados add creaminess and thickness to smoothies. High in potassium and Vitamins A, C and E, avocados are also rich in essential fatty acids.
  • Bananas add a thick and creamy texture to smoothies. They offer a high level of potassium and help boost the immune system.
  • Dates add thickness and sweetness along with vitamins A, B1, B2, C and D.
  • Spinach contains fiber that can help clean the digestive tract of free radicals.
  • Strawberries provide vitamin c and cleansing actions for the liver. They also have antiviral and antioxidant properties.

To add a boost to your smoothie try adding one or more of the following to your smoothie for extra benefits including enhanced energy, joint repair, and toxin removal.

  • Cacao is a mineral- rich super food that offers energizing and anti-aging properties. It makes a smoothie taste like dessert!
  • Chia seeds have been consumed for energy for centuries. They make an excellent thickener for a smoothie when it’s left to chill for about half an hour after being blended.
  • Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil contain omega 3s that help the joints avoid the absorption of toxins.
  • Hemp seeds provide a nutty flavor, omega 3s and omega 6s, fatty acids, and protein.
  • Wheatgrass offers antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Once you start making smoothies you will love them because the process of making them puts you in charge of what you get to take into your body and that my friends it powerful within itself.

Wishing you peace, wellness & tranquility!



Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS                                                                  

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous

Host of Blissful Living Show









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Deep Listening For Success

Every successful individual that I know or have worked with has gone through life with intention and a clear sense of purpose. I have also come across those individuals that say they don’t know what their intention or purpose is. I tell these people that often the reason individuals don’t know their intention or purpose is because they simply haven’t spent enough time listening to themselves, carefully and in silence.  I often get that look like “What????”

Deep Listening is a practice of stopping and listening without judgment or advice. All you have to do is sit down, rest your mind and ask yourself in silence: What do I really want? What is my life for? And if you go deep enough, intention will emerge. I would definitely call this a form of meditation. In fact I would say it is a must for success, no matter what you want to do.

With Deep Listening, you have an opportunity to honestly evaluate yourself. When you’re reflecting on a habit or an action, such as something you perceive as an obstacle or something you think you’ve accomplished, take the time to ask yourself, “ Am I being deceived or is this really happening the way it seems to me?” This helps us on our path to Bliss because when you listen to yourself, you put yourself in a better position to listen to others.

When we listen deeply, we can observe and investigate a habit or action without being identified with it and without pushing it away or pulling it in. This puts us in a position to be able to observe and then ask ourselves “What would happen if this is true?”

Deep Listening is not just for the mind and spirit; it’s also perfect for the body. This is something that I like to emphasize. The body is always talking to us and many of us fail to listen to the whispers of our body.  Here is what I suggest that you do: stop and listen to your body, surrender to being with what is. Ask yourself: “What is my body trying to tell me? What should I be paying attention to here? Have I been overdoing it? Have I been going too hard or too long?”

Your body is like a broadcasting station. Learn to listen and to trust that still, small voice inside, the voice of self- knowing, and the voice that will never lead you astray. You may slow down for a little while but in the long run it will keep you healthier and active.

As you learn to practice deep listening to yourself and your body, you will find that you’re listening skills get fine-tuned and allows you to listen to others better. When you are able to listen to yourself without judgment, you are able to listen to others without judgment and really hear what that person is trying to say to you. This my friends, is a true key to success in life.

Wishing you peace, wellness and tranquility!

Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous

Host of Blissful Living Show












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Releasing Overwhelm By Establishing a Daily Routine

How does your day start off? When you wake up and step out of bed do you go into full gear? Wake up, check the cell phone, shower, grab a quick bite to eat, a cup of coffee, pack up the kids, rush out the door, drop the kids off at daycare or school and then drive in bumper to bumper traffic to get to work, hoping that you make it on time? Do you ever ask, why do I always feels to rush and overwhelm? If so stay tuned, I have a gift for you.

While it may be difficult to find time for yourself, Ayurveda promotes the vital need for certain daily activities to keep you at your healthiest. One of the most prominent ancient texts of Ayurveda, the Caraka Samhita, describes in detail a lengthy daily routine to keep one free from the ravages of imbalanced doshas, illness and poor aging. This can be simplified for the modern lifestyle while still reaping many of the life enhancing benefits.

In this article, I will give you 10 steps that have allowed so many people to take control and positively manage the hustle and bustle of daily life. The components of this routine come largely from the more detailed routine as taught in Ayurveda. Even if you cannot follow it exactly adapting it in whatever way you can will bring a noticeable difference to your day and to your well being.

The importance of a consistent daily routine can’t be underestimated. It sets the tone for your entire day, bringing a sense of calm and nourishment. It give the mind, body and spirit the chance to ground and cleanse, to start afresh Routine itself brings harmony, especially to a vata natured person; it also reminds pitta that there is need to put aside the drive to continuously “Go, Go, Go!” in order to rejuvenate oneself, and routine asks kapha to push past the inertia and laziness to not do anything for oneself. Routine allows you to rid the system of foreign materials that could otherwise become problematic, resetting any potential imbalance in doshas on a daily basis. Elements of the daily routine support a number of the bodily systems, including the nervous system, respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems.

Does this sound like something you would like to do for yourself? Then go ahead and get started, what are you waiting for? If you can’t incorporate the whole routine to begin with then pick one or two steps and move forward on your Ayurvedic journey to wellness; then slowly incorporate another step at a time, as you feel more comfortable.

  1. Wake up at a routine time early in the morning preferably before or at sunrise.
  2. Clean the eyes, mouth and face.
  3. Have a bowel movement.
  4. Brush your teeth.
  5. Clean your tongue.
  6. Perform a self-massage (Abhyanga) with warm oil.
  7. Take a warm bath or shower.
  8. Take 30 minutes for a self-enhancing practice such as meditation, pranayama, yoga, prayer or journaling.
  9. Eat regular meals.
  10. Keep a regular bedtime.

If you are in need of some spontaneity outside of this routine, Ayurveda makes room for that by accepting the fact that the spirit needs to revel in creativity and freedom. Select opportunities that bring you this joy and leave you feeling richer for having had the experience. Ayurveda asks that you indulge in moderation so as not to overwhelm your system and allow you the chance to rejuvenate following the departure from your daily routine.  And to do that you simply return to step 1 of your daily routine.

Wishing you peace, well-being and tranquility!



Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous





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5 Stress Relievers to help you feel FABULOUS

As we began to settle into the New Year, I want to offer you some tips so that you can enjoy this year without feeling stressed and overwhelmed. We all have a lot to do nowadays and sometimes when we add just one additional thing on our already very full to do list, we can become extremely stressed and overwhelmed. Well rest assured that Rochel Marie Lawson, The Queen of Feeling Fabulous AKA The Wellness Architect is here to guide you so that you can feel fabulous in all areas of your life.

images stressThere are many events in life that can cause stress. The more involved you become in your life the more opportunities present themselves that can simply push you over the edge. For example having to work longer hours at work, being in school and facing the pressure of taking mid-terms or final exams, worrying about the economy and whether or not your financial situation is stable, or maybe dealing with the challenges of raising children in our fast pace society, whatever it is it may be just enough to set you up for a stressful episode.

Here are 5 GREAT ways to relieve stress so that you can feel fabulous:

  • Breathing exercises – Deep breathing is an easy stress reliever that has numerous benefits for the body, including oxygenating the blood, which wakes up your brain, relaxes your muscles and quiets the mind. Breathing exercises are especially helpful because you can do them anywhere at anytime and they work so quickly that you now have the tool to de-stress in an instant.
  • Meditation – Meditation builds on deep breathing and takes it a step further. WhenUnknown you meditate, your brain enters an area of functioning that is similar to sleep, but carries some added benefits you cannot achieve in any other state, including the release of certain hormones that promote health. Also the mental focus on nothingness keeps your mind from working overtime and increasing your stress level.
  • Guided Imagery – It takes slightly more time to practice guided imagery, but this is a great way to leave your stress behind for a while and relax your body. Some find it easier to practice this than meditation, as lots of us find it more doable to focus on something rather than on nothing. You can play natural sounds in the background as you practice, to promote a more immersive experience.
  • Visualizations – Building on guided imagery, you can also imagine yourself achieving goals like becoming healthier and more relaxed, doing well at task and handling conflict in better ways. Also, visualize yourself doing well on tasks you are trying to master, this actually functions like physical practice, so you can improve your performance through visualizations as well.
  • Self Hypnosis – Self Hypnosis incorporates some of the features of guided imagery and visualizations, with the added benefit of enable you to communicate directly with your subconscious mind to enhance your abilities, more easily give up bad habits, feel less pain, more effectively develop healthier habits and even find answers to questions that may not be clear to your waking mind. It takes some practice and training, but it is well worth it.

The above 5 tips should get you well on your way to relieving the stress and overwhelm in your life. Stay tuned for next week’s article that will include 5 more GREAT tips that you can use to keep your stress at bay. Between the two articles you will have 10 GREAT tips that will help you to reduce or eliminate stress and overwhelm out of your life immediately so that you can enjoy this year with ease and less stress.

Wishing you peace to your mind, wellness to your body and tranquility to your spirit.


Rochele Lawson


Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS
The Queen of Feeling Fabulous
The Wellness Architect





ayurveda, blissful living, health and wellness, healthy living, stress reduction, Uncategorized


Over the course of years as a healthcare professional I have noticed that people seem to be angrier than in times past. I don’t know if it has to do with the abundance of stress that society is faced with on a daily basis or if we have just become angrier people. In Ayurveda, anger is associated with the element of fire and people of the Pitta Dosha tend to have more challenges with keeping the fire within them from sprouting into an angry rage.

Anger is an enchanting and complex emotion. It is the type of emotion that can spring forth from what appears to be nowhere. What seems like a sense of calm can in an instant become like a raging volcano when a trigger is activated and before you know it, the volcano has erupted like Mount Saint Helens. However you might be the type of person that has a slow burn style of anger that simmers and bubbles beneath the surface, only erupting in tiny bursts.

Anger is a fiery emotion. Even when it’s cold it requires a lot of energy. When we pay attention to how it feels in our body, we might notice a knot in our stomach, a clenched jaw or fist, tightness in our chest, shallowness in our breath and an increase in our heart rate. We may notice that the state of anger can strongly taint our thoughts and how we interpret the world in conjunction with our emotional element.

Deep within the anger, we may be storing feelings of rejection or inadequacy that causes us to see threats and injustices where no real threat exists. It helps to uncover and uproot these feelings and deeply held false views. At the same time, anger can have beneath it a wise and powerful protectiveness that can lead us to believe that we are enforcing a sense of justice in the face of someone wronging us. In fact, anger is so powerful that it can ruin any situation. If it is allowed to lurk inside us it becomes more spicy and intense and will make us sick. It is one of the most ugly and yet most powerful emotions that exist. It has astronomical power.

Rich, complex and powerful, anger benefits from contemplative time and reflection, which in turn can teach us a lot about what is truly going on beneath our outbursts. If you are prone to angry outburst or can’t seem to get a grip on the fire raging within, I suggest you follow this little exercise to help you get back on the cool track and calm the fire within. I call this exercise “Cooling the Flames.”

  • When you notice yourself feeling angry and aggressive, turn your attention and awareness to how you are feeling. Where are you feeling the anger within your body? What is happening at that moment in time?
  • Now take a few long, slow deep breaths allowing your abdominal area to fully expand and contract, taking 3-4 seconds to do this with each breath. Listen for your thoughts without adding to the inner dialogue, or trying to silence your thoughts. When you are offended, you’re usually holding onto a rigid definition of yourself. What are your thoughts saying to you?
  • Now come back to observing how the anger is manifesting itself within your body and breath coolness into that part of your body. Observe what the anger may be trying to teach you at this moment. Is it self -compassion? Forgiveness? Or something else?
  • Now affirm something that you want in the present moment that will calm the anger such as “ May I find the resources to understand and transform my anger,” or “May peace and calmness be restored within me now.”

Once you have completed the exercise, take another slow, long deep breath extending the breath to 5 seconds to seal off the volcano. Although it may take a little practice for you to get used to using this technique, keep at it because eventually you will notice, see and feel the tremendous benefits of utilizing the “Cooling of the Flames” technique. You will gain a greater sense of control and be able to align yourself with your natural, balanced and peaceful state.

When you are ready you can take the “Cooling of the Flames” to a deeper level by learning how to awaken bliss within you and your life. (www.awakeningbliss.com)

I welcome your comments below.

Wishing peace to your mind, wellness to your body and tranquility to your spirit!



Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous

Host of “Blissful Living”

Author of : “Intro to Holistic Health, Ayurveda Style”

Co Author of:  “Answering The Call, ” “Rapid Change For Heart Centered Women”  and “The Live Sassy Formula”




ayurveda, health and wellness, healthy eating, healthy living, stress reduction

Chill Out! Stay Cool During the Summer Months

Right now, we’re in the middle of what Ayurveda calls the Pita season. The Pita dosha is all about fire and heat, which is why we refer to the hottest months of the year as the Pita season. Lots of people love to go to the beach, spend time at lakes, go camping, spend time Bar-B-Qing and being outdoors as much as possible when it’s nice out. All of this is really fun and enlivening, but it can also turn Pita people into an irritable, hot mess!

Pita is comprised of the qualities of fire and water. When you add more heat to the fire… it just gets hotter. Summer is the time of year when the Pita people (or the Pita aspect within Kapha and Vata people) is thrown out of balance (for more information on which dosha type you are, take this QUIZ [http://www.freegiftsfromrochele.com].

When the Pita aspect is out of balance, you might experience acid reflex, stomach aches, irritability, ulcers, inflammatory responses in the body, more extreme allergies and digestive system upset.

Are You Out Of Balance?

Here are some clues that your Pita is out of balance during the hot summer months:

You might feel irritable and angry or prone to criticism. You might have an increased sense of competitiveness or suffer from digestive issues such as heartburn, diarrhea or gastric upset. You eyes may become dry or blood shot, you might feel dehydrated and experience excessive sweating, difficulty staying asleep or you may break out in a rash or acne. Yikes!

Here are 5 ways to chill yourself out this summer if you’re turning into a hot Pita mess.

  1. Rest Your Eyes. Fire manifests as light and heat, and Pita manages the vision in the body. When you rest your eyes, you can help prevent them from becoming dry and irritated. I highly recommend that everyone wear sunglasses with UVA/UVB protection.

Covering the eyes with a silk eye pillow filled with lavender can be a wonderful way to rest. It will calm any anxiety and promote deeper sleep.

  1. Dress More Lightly. We tend to do this during the summertime anyway, but be mindful of the clothes you choose. Cotton and linen are good fabrics that will allow the skin to breath and cool down the body.
  1. Don’t Wear Black. Instead of choosing black-colored fabrics (which actually take in the heat and pulls it into the body), wear colors like white, off-white, blue, green or orange, which naturally deflect heat. This will allow your body to stay cooler.
  1. Soothe Your Skin. If you’re experiencing itchy, red patches of skin and acne, treat yourself to a cucumber facial mask. Lay back with your lavender eye pillow and rest your eyes. This is very cooling and hydrating to the skin, it reduces inflammation, and helps the skin rehydrate and refortified. Another bonus is that it reverses the aging process.
  1. Enjoy a Massage. A daily self-massage will flush out toxins and relax the body. Getting a professional massage once a week from a certified therapist is another great way to calm and sooth the body. Have the therapist use cool, natural oils like coconut, sunflower or sesame, which will counter-balance the heat.

What natural tips do you have that help keep your body cool during the hottest months in the year? Leave a comment in the area below to share your tips!


Wishing you peace to your mind, wellness to your body and tranquility to your spirit.




Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous

International Best Selling Author






Twitter: @rochelelawson


ayurveda, blissful living, health and wellness, healthy living, stress reduction

Natural Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Faster

Most people have an idea of what to do in order to get a peaceful night’s rest, but for one reason or another they still find themselves tossing and turning. Their mind won’t quit – it won’t shut off.

We all know that lack of sleep can cause many significant health issues and increase stress levels. And yet, for about 50% of the nation’s population, getting a good night’s sleep is harder than mining for diamonds in Africa!

In Ayurveda, sleep is one of the three pillars of health. In order for our bodies to have perfect health and well being, we need to have time to relax and rejuvenate ourselves. With the intention of decreasing stress and reducing its effect on our bodies, here are some simple tips for falling asleep that have helped my clients and myself tremendously.

Lavender Essential Oil

Put a drop of highly therapeutic lavender essential oil on the bottom of each foot and massage it in to your skin. Use your finger to rub it in about 8-10 times. The oil will be absorbed into the body very quickly, and you can use the remaining oil on your shoulders. This will help to cool the winds of the mind and move into a relaxed state.

Make Your Diet A Routine

Eat three cooked meals a day, preferably at the same time of day. This will help the mind fall into a normal routine or pattern to decrease feelings of chaos and unpredictability. As much as you can, keep things stable and regular.

Choose A Bedtime

Ideally, go to bed by 10 pm and wake up by 6 am to set a predictable pattern for the mind. Use the lavender oil on your body about 15 minutes before you’re ready for lights out to relax your body. 

Remove Electronics

Turn off the television and any electronic equipment in your room! The electromagnetic energy and radiation that comes from these devices keep your mind alert, especially if your cell phone makes a sound every time you receive a message. Ideally, turn off the TV at least 15 minutes before you go to bed and keep all electronics away from the area where you sleep.

Drink Warm Milk

Make a nice, warm, yummy drink to help relax your body: warm 4-6 oz. milk and put a pinch of nutmeg in it. Allow the nutmeg to be absorbed and enjoy. If you’re lactose intolerant, this recipe still works great with other kinds of milk (coconut, almond, soy, etc.).

Nutmeg is a natural sleep inducer because it allows melatonin to release naturally, but be careful not to add too much as it can be harmful to the body.

Diffuse Essential Oil

A diffuser is a container that you fill with water and a couple drops of essential oil. It works similar to a mister or vaporizer to add essential oils into the atmosphere, and is a lovely way to help your body relax. Let it be part of your 15-minute ritual before you go to bed.


Try a 5-minute meditation to calm the mind. It doesn’t have to be formal, it can be as simple as laying in bed with the lights off and giving gratitude for the things that happened during the day.

When thoughts come up, repeat the word “calm” to yourself. Say, “I am calm, I am at peace, I am relaxed and I’m being restored.” Repeat this phrase and allow the rambling thoughts to disappear. Eventually you’ll fall off into slumber and have a great night’s sleep.

Are you ready to create more relaxation and peace in your life? Visit: http://www.stressassessmentmagic.com to discover the best ways to promote health and vitality for your body type.

Wishing you much health and wellness!


Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous




Twitter: @rochelelawson




ayurveda, blissful living, health and wellness, healthy living, stress reduction

Calming Mind Chatter

One of my favorite things to do is to meditate. It is so calming and nurturing to my mind, body and soul. It is one of my favorite ways to restore my energy, clarity and focus. I often receive some amazing information when I meditate especially when I reach the point where everything is quiet and still within. It wasn’t always like this, I remember when I first began to meditate my mind would chatter non-stop. I felt like it was going 100 miles per minute. There were times that I would get so wrapped up in the mind chatter that at the end of my mediation session I wasn’t sure if I received any benefits. However later I discover that even though it may have appeared that I was not benefitting through the times of non-stop mind chatter, I was actually benefitting beyond my belief.



Study after study has shown the tremendous benefits that mediation has on the mind and the body. Neuroscience can show us what happens in the brain when we meditate. For instance areas of the brain associated with stress slows down and parts of the brain associated with feeling joy, peace and compassion become active. The evidence that meditation triggers positive changes within the brain and the body is overwhelming whether we are meditating with mind chatter or not. 



For the beginner meditator who is not aware of the positive changes occurring within the brain and the body, the mind chatter may be just enough to frustrate them to the point where they feel like they want to quit. If you fit into this category, don’t fret because I want to understand that you are not alone and there are some things that you can do to assist you with the mind chatter.



One of the things you can do is just let the mind chatter. Don’t get wrapped up in the chatter just let the thoughts come and go. Let the thoughts come in and let them roll out similar to watching the waves of the ocean roll in to the shore and roll back out the ocean. Just let them be without focusing on what they are and why they exist. When you practice meditation regularly, you will begin to notice that part of the mind that is untouched by thoughts. You might experience that deeper layer of consciousness as a pure sense of being or as a sense of being a witness. Sometimes it feels as if you have plunged into the deeper water of the mind, where it is calm while all the time the mental chatter continues. In other words the mind can keep thinking but you are not affected by those thoughts.



Another tool that you can use is your breath. It is a wonderful way to assist you with not getting too wrapped up and focused on the thoughts that are flowing into your mind.


As a matter of fact, each time you feel that you are beginning to focus on the chatter within your mind shift your focus to taking in a deep breath and letting it out. The breathing helps to distract you from the mind chatter while allowing your body to take in much need oxygen and release the toxic carbon dioxide. Mindful breathing is a form of pranayama and is so yummy to use during the mediation process.



The last suggestion that I have to offer to you is to simply let yourself keep coming back to the sensations of the breath in the body, or the felt sense of energy in the heart or the vibratory quality of a mantra. A mantra is something that you repeat throughout your meditation session such as the word, “Om” or “Peace.” By doing these things in time you will notice the thoughts drift more and more into the background while the underlying sense of being comes more into the foreground and what a wonderful feeling that is.



Wishing you much health and wellness!






Rochele Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS


The Queen of Feeling Fabulous












