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Are Your Hormones Out of Balance?

We are entering the time of year when many people lose track of their New Year’s resolutions. And if you’re like most people, at least one of your resolutions had something to do with losing weight!

The idea of a weight loss regime was probably very appealing in January and February; thinking about healthier food choices, planning a work-out regimen and eagerly anticipating slipping into your smaller jeans again probably felt great! But as the weeks went by, your enthusiasm may have trailed off or you might have given up completely because you didn’t see results as fast as you would have liked.

We women can be quick to blame ourselves when it comes to an inability to lose weight. However, if you’re noticing that it’s difficult to get moving, you don’t feel as energetic as you used to, or something just feels “off,” there could be more at play than a lack of willpower. It could be that your hormones aren’t balanced!

Here are a few clues that can help you discern whether or not your difficulty with weight loss is actually a hormonal imbalance.

What Exactly is Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormone imbalance and low thyroid function can cause weight gain, and it’s fairly common in women across the country. Since your thyroid function affects your metabolism and can slow it way down (making it difficult to maintain your current weight), weight gain becomes all too easy.

Aside from weight gain, hormonal imbalances can cause fatigue, sleeplessness, hair loss, menstrual irregularity and many more symptoms that may cause you to just feel “off”.  There are simple tests that your Ayurvedic practitioner can do to find out what’s really going on with your system and create solutions that are suited to your unique body constitution.

How Hormone Imbalance Affects Exercise

If you’re feeling like you don’t want to exercise, or don’t have the energy, you are in a state of imbalance. Lack of exercise leads to fatigue, irritability and depression, which leads to even more imbalance.

Toxins can build up and the flow of your energy becomes stagnant.

Here are a few ways you can start exercising again without feeling like it’s a drag:

  • Try Yoga. If you’re new to yoga, it is wonderful – and it’s a sister science to Ayurveda. Find a beginner’s class that will soothe your body and your mind.
  • Learn to dance! Modern, jazz, ballroom, tap dance. It’s fun!
  • Find a good jogging club, or bike on a trail. Lots of clean fresh air feels really good.
  • Partner up. If you really want to up the ante, find a friend or get a partner and set a goal together. It can be anything you do as a team: walking in nature, riding bikes, etc. When you partner with someone, it makes the exercise more fun.

Nutrition is Part of the Solution

Healthy food is crucial for healthy hormone production and balance. Many of us gravitate toward food that is high in refined carbohydrates, like sugar and white flour, but moderation is key. Make food choices that are high in fiber, complex carbohydrates (like whole wheat) and healthy fats to support your hormone balance.

Eating for your dosha is also very important to maintain the right balance for your body. (Don’t know your dosha? Take my free mini-dosha quiz to find out by visiting freegiftsfromrochele.com [FreeGiftsFromRochele.com]!)  Knowing your dosha can help you work with your body instead of against it when you are making healthy food choices.

Stress Management and Sleep are Part of the Solution

Balance is not all about how much exercise you are getting and whether you are eating enough healthy food.  Having a balanced life in general is just as important to your health and well-being!

Make sure you don’t get too overwhelmed at work or hang out with people who are chronically stressed. Also be sure that you have time to make yourself feel good. This can really help lower stress hormones and make it much easier to lose weight.

Additionally, remember that sleep is a pillar of Ayurveda. Most of us don’t realize how important it is to restore and rejuvenate in order to keep the body functioning optimally, but quality sleep plays a huge role in weight loss and maintenance.

Research shows that lack of sleep lowers the ability to handle conflict and stress, making it very difficult to maintain a positive physical state.

Some extra sleep tips: 

  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking 4-6 hours before bed.
  • Make sure the T.V. Is off at least 20 minutes before bed.
  • If you share a bed with a snorer, treat the condition, and you will sleep much better.

Balance is the key to good health. There are simple tests that your Ayurvedic practitioner can do to find out what’s really going on with your system and create solutions that are suited to your unique body constitution.

If you would like to consult with me, click HERE [Contact Page] to set up a time to chat!


5 Preparation Steps to Take before Doing a Spring Cleanse

Any transition between seasons is a great opportunity for a detox or cleanse, but spring in particular is the perfect time. Toxins that build up in the body through the winter prevent you from moving nutrients through the body efficiently, and the purpose of my 7-Day Detox Cleanse [Purchase Page] is to get you back on track just in time for summer!

During this cleanse, you’ll eat easy-to-digest foods and maintain enough variety in your diet to keep you from losing interest in the program or feeling too hungry. In fact, doing a detox for 7 days is just enough time to stoke your digestive fire but not long enough that you would need the guidance of a professional – you can do this cleanse safely all on your own.

However, if you’re thinking about doing a cleanse, there are certain action steps to take before getting started. Here’s what you can do to prepare your body for a rejuvenating 7-day process:

Prep Step #1: Be Cautious

If you take medication or suffer from medical conditions, please consult with your physician to make sure you have the green light to move forward.

Prep Step #2: Eliminate Diet Crutches

A “diet crutch” is a type of food or beverage that we rely on to make it through a stressful moment. Caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, dairy, meat, fried or processed foods, sugar or any other unhealthy foods are perfect examples.  Eliminating the Snickers bar at 3 pm at least a week before your detox will help ease your body into the process.

Prep Step #3: Schedule Time Off

Take time off work so that you can truly clear your system without experiencing intense outside work stress. Taking time off to simply focus on a self-care process will do wonders to get your body regulated, strengthened and rested (not to mention it will give your brain a break from constant stimulation).

Prep Step #4: Set Up a Home Practice

If you have a room in which you can meditate or have quiet time, you’ll have a wonderful space to retreat before and during the detox. You can read, listen to inspiring music and relax in peace.

Prep Step #5: Unplug!

This one’s important. Notify your friends and family that you’re ignoring social media and email for a while. This will reduce stimulation and allow your mind to take a rest.

I suggest going through these 5 steps at least a week before the detox plan. You will see wonderful benefits if you do! Not only will you feel rested and restored, but you will have more energy, likely experience weight loss and feel happier. It’s a win-win-win!

Are you looking for the right detox cleanse to kick off the spring and summer? Take a look at my very mild, deeply restorative 7-Day Detox Cleanse [Purchase Page]. And don’t forget to get more tips and ideas for your healthful journey by visiting THIS PAGE [ FreeGiftsFromRochele.com]!

Rochel Marie Lawson, RN, AHP, CMS</strong>
The Queen of Feeling Fabulous and The Wellness Architect


Instagram: rochelelawson
Email: info@healthhealingwellness.com


