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Healthy Ways to Stop Headache Pain

Did you know that almost a fifth of the people presenting to the emergency department go there for headache pain and for women between the ages of 18 to 44, I jumps to a third of the visits. Wow when I read this it was mind boggling to me.  You see severe headaches and migraines can leave you in agony, but even mild headaches can be painful enough to negatively affect your life. And stress, hormones and life can play a major part in bringing a headache on.

Instead of focusing on the headache pain and causes, I am going to focus on natural treatments for your headache pain.

The first remedy that I would like to talk about is the Boswellia tree. This ancient tree contains a resin that has potent anti-inflammatory properties. This tree resin has been included in studies treating people with cluster headaches, which occurred over the course of weeks, month, or even years. Cluster headaches are so intense that they have often been called the “suicide headaches.” The wonderful thing is that the Boswellia tree resin has been shown to provide long –lasting pain relief and has also been shown to decrease the intensity and frequency of these headaches.

Next there’s Butterbur. This is a perennial shrub and has been used to treat pain relief and headache prevention. This beauty has been shown to prevent migraine headaches, in clinical research studies. Butterbur taken twice per day has been shown to decrease the frequency of migraine headaches.  Please note that some Butterbur contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which may cause liver damage, so be careful when selecting your supplement to ensure you get a supplement that’s free of these harmful compounds.

Lastly, I want to share this goody for decreasing headache pain and you are going to flip when you find out. Ready? Well it is the good old vitamin B complex. B vitamins have become a popular treatment for the reduction or the severity of migraines and headaches. B vitamins contain riboflavin that has been deemed effective for the prevention of migraines. In addition vitamin B-6 has been shown to decrease headaches associates with the menstrual cycle.  Vitamin B-6 may even help decrease headaches associated with oral contraceptives.

All of these are available as supplements at your natural health stores. It is always suggested that you check with your healthcare provider for the correct dosage to take for you.

Wishing you peace, wellness and tranquility!


Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous

Host of Blissful Living Show









ayurveda, healthy living, stress reduction

5 Stress Relievers to help you feel FABULOUS

As we began to settle into the New Year, I want to offer you some tips so that you can enjoy this year without feeling stressed and overwhelmed. We all have a lot to do nowadays and sometimes when we add just one additional thing on our already very full to do list, we can become extremely stressed and overwhelmed. Well rest assured that Rochel Marie Lawson, The Queen of Feeling Fabulous AKA The Wellness Architect is here to guide you so that you can feel fabulous in all areas of your life.

images stressThere are many events in life that can cause stress. The more involved you become in your life the more opportunities present themselves that can simply push you over the edge. For example having to work longer hours at work, being in school and facing the pressure of taking mid-terms or final exams, worrying about the economy and whether or not your financial situation is stable, or maybe dealing with the challenges of raising children in our fast pace society, whatever it is it may be just enough to set you up for a stressful episode.

Here are 5 GREAT ways to relieve stress so that you can feel fabulous:

  • Breathing exercises – Deep breathing is an easy stress reliever that has numerous benefits for the body, including oxygenating the blood, which wakes up your brain, relaxes your muscles and quiets the mind. Breathing exercises are especially helpful because you can do them anywhere at anytime and they work so quickly that you now have the tool to de-stress in an instant.
  • Meditation – Meditation builds on deep breathing and takes it a step further. WhenUnknown you meditate, your brain enters an area of functioning that is similar to sleep, but carries some added benefits you cannot achieve in any other state, including the release of certain hormones that promote health. Also the mental focus on nothingness keeps your mind from working overtime and increasing your stress level.
  • Guided Imagery – It takes slightly more time to practice guided imagery, but this is a great way to leave your stress behind for a while and relax your body. Some find it easier to practice this than meditation, as lots of us find it more doable to focus on something rather than on nothing. You can play natural sounds in the background as you practice, to promote a more immersive experience.
  • Visualizations – Building on guided imagery, you can also imagine yourself achieving goals like becoming healthier and more relaxed, doing well at task and handling conflict in better ways. Also, visualize yourself doing well on tasks you are trying to master, this actually functions like physical practice, so you can improve your performance through visualizations as well.
  • Self Hypnosis – Self Hypnosis incorporates some of the features of guided imagery and visualizations, with the added benefit of enable you to communicate directly with your subconscious mind to enhance your abilities, more easily give up bad habits, feel less pain, more effectively develop healthier habits and even find answers to questions that may not be clear to your waking mind. It takes some practice and training, but it is well worth it.

The above 5 tips should get you well on your way to relieving the stress and overwhelm in your life. Stay tuned for next week’s article that will include 5 more GREAT tips that you can use to keep your stress at bay. Between the two articles you will have 10 GREAT tips that will help you to reduce or eliminate stress and overwhelm out of your life immediately so that you can enjoy this year with ease and less stress.

Wishing you peace to your mind, wellness to your body and tranquility to your spirit.


Rochele Lawson


Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS
The Queen of Feeling Fabulous
The Wellness Architect





health and wellness, stress reduction

How to Stay Blissful While Driving: Part 2

This blog post is Part 2 of a series on mindful driving. Last week, I shared three tips for being a cool-headed traveler (click HERE).

Focus, Focus, Focus

You might have started your trip by centering your mind, breathing deeply and securing any important objects that could fly away. But what if, after you’ve been on the road for a while, you and your spouse or kids get into an argument?

Keep your mind focused on the roadway to stay actively engaged with driving. It helps to deflect any distractions that come up. If at any point something chaotic (such as an accident) stresses you out, you can return to a deep breathing process (take three to five long, slow, deep breaths).

Outside Events Aren’t the Boss of You

When we need to get somewhere on time and are delayed by unexpected traffic or accidents, our energy feels sapped. Somehow we feel we should have been in control of it, should have known better or left earlier. If you’re feeling like this, just know that there’s some reason the Universe is asking you to engage in a slowing down process.

Unknown-1If you feel agitated by anything happening on the road that you have no control over, the best thing you can do is realize: you have no control! It is what it is. This mindset liberates us and helps release tension and pressure.

As long as you’re safe and sound in your car, everything will turn out fine. Arriving a little late is better than not arriving at all. Consider that there might be a reason for the delays that’s beyond your knowledge. It helps us relax and develop a keen sense of concentration. Let go of needing to be in charge, crank up the radio and actively absorb your favorite music.

Music Soothes

Many people listen to talk radio while they commute and if the topic is inflammatory, you may find yourself becoming tense. Change the channel to music you like! The mind will relax and when the mind relaxes, the body does, too.

Once you’ve passed through the traffic or roadside chaos, you can always come back to your talk show. Music taps in to the feel-good centers of the brain, which release more of those relaxing neurotransmitters.

Avoid Grumpy Fellow Travelers

There’s nothing worse than an angry driver doing something nasty that could injure you, themselves or both of you. Stay mindfully aware of those exhibiting aggressive behavior (such as speeding up near you, tailgating or flipping you off as they pass by).

If you see another driver getting visibly angry because you’re driving too slowly and they’re tailgating, move over if you can. Go ahead and let them race ahead of you. That will ease their stress and yours. You won’t change their driving behavior by being stubborn and letting them ride your tail – it’ll just make them angrier. Later you can always scoot back into the lane you’d prefer to drive in.

One final tip

Spray some citrus essential oils in your car to maintain a yummy, stress-free, loving environment. Happy driving!

Want to learn even more about staying blissful no matter what happens? Click HERE to receive my free bliss tips today.

Wishing you peace to your mind, wellness to your body and tranquility to your spirit.


Rochele Lawson

Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS
The Queen of Feeling Fabulous
The Wellness Architect


health and wellness, stress reduction

How to Stay Blissful While Driving: Part 1

We all know that driving in a metropolitan area can be extremely stressful. It’s easy to take it personally when someone in front of us cuts us off, as if they were doing it intentionally!

Sometimes that might even be true, but for the most part, what people do in their cars has nothing to do with us; we’re all operating solo.

Just the Facts, Ma’am

During the day there can be anywhere from 500,000 to 600,000 drivers on the road across America who challenge the rest of us by using their electronic devices while driving.

Research studies have found that about 23% of drivers using mobile devices have been involved in accidents, and many of them get seriously injured. Drivers who feel stressed and get distracted become statistics on the roadways.

Normally when I’m driving I aim to stay as mindful as possible. I might have my radio on. Every now and then the phone rings, which is no problem because my phone operates hands-free. I happen to be horrible at texting, plus I’d never text while driving anyway. But we see all kinds of people on the road with varying levels of attentiveness.

You don’t have to live your life stressed out behind the wheel. Know that you can stay joyful even in the chaos of traffic. Here are some tips to help you stay in a mindful, more relaxed and peaceful state as you travel.

Yes, Hello?

If you’re someone who really needs to use the phone when commuting, first make sure your phone is outfitted to work hands-free in the car. Staying hands-free is obviously safer, and depending on where you live, it might also be the law.

Make sure your phone (or any tea, coffee or water for that matter) is positioned securely. Then, if you need to make a sudden stop or sharp turn, it won’t fly under the seat (or spill liquid on you or the upholstery!).

UnknownIntend Safety

Drive with a sense of purpose. Purposeful driving is being mindful not only of your own attitude about being on the road, it also means holding the intention to drive safely and stay aware of events around you.

You can even start out by declaring an intention such as, “I intend to drive to my destination as safely and mindfully as possible in order to arrive on time and fully present.” Setting this intention keeps you in a balanced state of mind.

In Through the Nose…

Try actively engaging in a breathing process while attaching your seat belt. As you buckle up, take three to five long, slow, deep breaths and continue consciously breathing as you adjust your posture and make sure the belt is comfortable.

Conscious breathing brings mindfulness not only to the act of driving your car, but it sets the tone to keep you more relaxed as you begin your journey. Another benefit of deep breathing is that it helps your body release serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter that facilitates a relaxed body-mind state.

Of course, make sure you look behind you and both ways before you back up and take off down the road. Stay tuned for Part II for more happy traveling tips next week!

Want to learn more about staying blissful even when you’re feeling stressed? Click HERE to receive my free bliss tips today.

Wishing you much health and wellness!

Wishing you peace to your mind, wellness to your body and tranquility to your spirit.


Rochele Lawson

Rochel Marie Lawson, RN,AHP,CMS
The Queen of Feeling Fabulous
The Wellness Architect

